Remote work changed a lot in our daily lives – we do not need to go to the office, computers are part of daily routines. Yet this also requires different approach to work, planning and delivering solutions.
Let’s look for the answer to the question on how to be productive when working remotely.
What are the biggest challenges when working remotly?
We asked our webinar participants about this. Some of the most popular answers were:
- work-life balance
- distractions
- focus
- prioritizing tasks
- to find motivation
- connection problems
- family members
- space
- procrastinating
- back pain
- lack of contacts with people
How to keep the balance?
Everyone needs to find their own way but we can suggest some solutions which seem to be universal.
1) Plan your breaks
That is the most crucial part! Breaks are more important than you can expect. That is why you should:
- take 2-3 minutes off after each hour
- Plan your lunch break (you can create an appointment in Outlook calendar)
- Stay hydrated
2) Move
In remote work, we are more likely to sit for hours without moving than in the office. “I’m just going to finish this task, just five more minutes” – you know that? That’s why: move!
- Go for a water
- Do some chair yoga poses
- Stand during some of the meetings
- Remember (or set an alarm) to get up from your chair
What tools can support your remote work?
Any tool that works is a good solution. And each person will suit something different. Look for what will be right for you. And then use it. Below you will find some ideas.
Outlook can help you!
- Use it to book time for meals and breaks
- Block your calendar for deep work
- Stick to your schedule
Trello, Asana or notebook
- Write down your tasks
- Set realistic deadlines
- Set priorities
- Create a list of tasks for each day/week/month
- Just do them 😉
Pomodoro technique
It is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals. Each work interval is called a pomodoro, the Italian word for tomato.
Try it and check if works for you! Start with:
- Deep work for 25 minutes
- 5 minutes for a small break
- Repeat
Contact with your team
46% of employees indicate the difficulty of establishing remote contact with colleagues as the reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of implemented projects (Capgemini Research Institute, Remote workforce survey, September–October 2020)
That’s why plan some time with your team. And stick this plan (like previous ones). Get together to talk about non-work related topics, have a laugh, keep the relationship going. This will have a positive impact on your productivity.
So… Which point will you start with? 😉
If you want to learn more about this topic, check the full webinar: How to be productive when working remotely.
Run your training with us!
If you want to work on your competence, skills needed in a remote work or wellbing in your team, ETTA Leadership & Culture specialises in and provides training on development programmes for leaders and teams. See the offer.