Cross-Cultural Cooperation

Managing a multicultural team, effective cooperation and communication with people from other cultures, international customer service, and relocation – you will work through all these topics in a virtual workshop offered by ETTA. We have been developing global leaders for more than 10 years! Gain the competencies of the future with us.

Country Specific Trainings​

Training on your business partner’s culture will allow you to understand how to build a long-term relationship with people from other cultures, and therefore to communicate and manage common projects effectively. You can order training on the culture of any country at ETTA.

Influencing Across Cultures

Effective Cooperation with Various Cultures

Cooperating with the Indians

Cooperating with Colleagues from India  

Cooperating with the Germans

Cooperating with the Germans 

Cooperating with the Chinese

Cooperating with the Chinese

Effective cooperation with Americans

Effective Cooperation with Americans  

Working and living in Poland

Welcome to Poland!

Effective Cooperation Across Cultures 

Working in an international, culturally diverse team requires acquiring new competencies – understanding how culture affects our work style, communication, approach to time, or hierarchy in a team. This is what we have been teaching on ETTA trainings for over a ten years.

Cross Cultural Cooperation

Cross-Cultural Cooperation 

Influencing Across Cultures

Building Confidence and Influence Across Cultures 

Communicating and Presenting Across Cultures

Communicating and Presenting Across Cultures  

Excellent International Customer Service

Excellent International Customer Service  

Building Trust in Intercultural Cooperation

Building Valuable Relationships in Intercultural Cooperation

Cross Cultural Team Building

Managing Across Cultures  

Learn to work across borders! Make cross-cultural communication a daily pleasure and an inspiring challenge, and international cooperation friendly and effective. We have been educating global leaders for more than a dozen years. Join ETTA to gain the competencies of the future!

Managing a cross-cultural team

Managing Cross-Cultural Team

Managing International Projects

Managing International Projects  

Feedback Across Cultures

Feedback Across Cultures

Managing International Stakeholders

Relocation Training for Expats

Relocation Training for Expats 

International Business Writing