The Polish ITO/R&D centre of the US technology company would like to acquire more strategic positions.
The challenge, however, is to break through among American and British colleagues, which is further hampered by online-only contact.
Influencing others in an international team
The first step was two webinars on Building Authority and Influencing in an international virtual contact. The sessions gave basic knowledge that can be helpful for influencing a mother organisation. In the second step, we need to develop concrete action strategies in the form of workshop work.
Success factor:
Convincing the HR team and the business leader of the possibility of obtaining more senior positions, building a vision of this possibility.
Added value:
Although the session focused on the theme of ‘Taking a Seat at the Table’, the participants in general first gained knowledge on how to operate effectively in a culturally diverse environment.
Conclusions and feedback from participants:
Let’s be more active in virtual meetings.
The way we address people from different cultures needs to be tailored to them.
Need to build more relationships at head office.
I finally understood how colleagues in the States think.
If you are looking for support in this area, see the offer for the training Personal brand of a virtual leader.