Future of Work

Discover and Develop your Talents – with Gallup’s StrengthsFinder

Is it better to focus on your weaknesses or on your strengths? The Gallup Institute promotes a talent-based approach that we can develop into strengths. By focusing on the strengths of ourselves and our team, we can bring out our full potential. With ETTA experts you will understand the full potential of your team!

Who is this training for?

For leaders and managers who want to understand and develop their own and their team’s potential, and people working within a team.

Consult this training

    What you will learn in the virtual workshop:
    • what are your strongest talents and what is their potential,
    • what are the benefits related to your talents, but also the tension that may arise in contact with people of different talents,
    • how specifically to work with the talents to develop them into strengths,
    • how specifically to develop the team’s potential based on the identified talents.
    Advantages of the virtual training
    • guarantee of interactive participation in training with the use of online engaging tools
    • half-day workshops allow flexible organization of the workday
    • relationships building with remote colleagues through joint participation in training
    • participation in the workshop from anywhere, all you need is access to a computer

    Virtual workshop program

    Module I

    Talents – what are they?

    • Positive approach in psychology – why can it be effective?
    • What talents are, how do they differ from strengths, and how to turn talents into strengths?
    • Research on talents and a positive approach to potential
    • Talent domains – what do they mean in practice?
    • Strengths and blind spots – How to understand your talents
    • My individual talents – how to understand their sequence?
    • Mature vs. immature talent – what are the differences? How to work on talent maturity?
    • Talent #1 – what does it mean? Overview of selected talents

    Module II

    Potential of our team

    • The further talents on our team – what do they mean? How can we develop them?
    • The team map – an overview of talent domains and the most common talents
    • Tensions between talents – how to better understand difficult situations in the team?
    • Talent partnerships – building collaboration and coalitions based on talent awareness
    • How can we leverage our talent awareness with our team stakeholders
    • Developing team potential – what should we take care of?
    • Feedback sessions between team members
    • Action plan – developing our common potential

    Project flow

    Diagnosis and prework
    • in-take interview with the project sponsor
    • diagnosis of participants’ needs (online questionnaire and calls)
    • prework for participants (material to watch, read or listen to)
    Virtual workshops
    • training divided into 2 workshops, 3,5 hours each
    • interactive working methods: discussions, chat, virtual board, questionnaires, videos, case studies, breakout rooms, external tools (Mentimeter, Miro, Funretro)
    • participants: up to 12 people
    Summary and follow up
    • training materials for participants
    • access to the ETTA knowledge base
    • follow up call with the project sponsor